Back to news... 16 May 2011 How Do You Pack Your Parcels?
When it comes to packing your parcels then how do you go about doing it? Do you do it on an adhoc basis and only get things ready at the last minute as you have been focused on producing your goods, and after all, a parcel is just a parcel, right?
Well if you go about packing your parcels in an adhoc way then the chances are that you may find yourself getting flustered, searching around for all the right materials only to find that you do not have them to hand, in turn you will get more flustered if you, or someone else has to rush to the shops because you do not have the right box or have run out of packing tape.
Then shock horror! The shop has run out of the packing materials that you need, and then you are starting to panic, as the parcel couriers arriving in half an hour, and the parcel must leave today as you have promised it to the customer for delivery tomorrow.
So if this has ever happened to you, or you are worried that it might, then why not put a little simple structure as to how you pack your parcels. As when you are flustered and pushed for time you are likely to make a mistake, use the wrong packaging, and the parcel may end up damaged in transit as a result of poor packing.
So work with your production people to see what goods are likely to be ready for shipping at least five working days before you need to ship them via your parcel courier. This will enable you to order any packaging items that are out of stock in advance of when you need them.
Having the right materials to pack your parcels with is essential to shipping parcels effectively and with the ability to order online these days, then you should always have everything you need in stock. After all how silly would you feel if you had to let your boss know that you were not able to ship a parcel to your best customer as you did not have the right size cardboard box in stock?
A lot of packing supplies for parcels such as bubble wrap, foam chips and packing tape are very cheap when bulk, so why not do that and ensure that you always have enough for your parcel requirements, as well as saving money at the same time.