Back to news... 12 October 2011 eBay's New Shopping Basket May Increase Parcel Deliveries
The auction giant, eBay, is due to add a new helpful service to its checkout procedure. The so-called 'Shopping Basket' will allow users to pay for multiple items, from different retailers, in a single checkout. As with most e-commerce sites, you'll be able to add an item to your basket, and pay for the contents of that basket later on when you're ready.
That means that if you want to buy a TV from one retailer on eBay, but you want to buy DVDs from another retailer, you can simply add those items to your basket and pay for them altogether in a single process. eBay will the sort which payment goes to who, and you end up with your goods just as normal. This service will only be available if each retailer accepts the same form of payment, which these days is highly likely.
For those wanting to purchase online, this makes the whole shopping process that bit easier - and a checkout procedure being easier for all means an increase in orders. Those who wouldn't have bothered to order from multiple retailers due to the increase in hassle may well now do that. The new shopping basket feature means that users are more likely to go on a shopping spree and order multiple items from many retailers, rather than order through the slow method of paying for one item at a time.
If you're a retailer who uses eBay to sell goods, why not use our 5% Discount for eBay Sellers and make the most of what could be a great and very profitable change for the auction site.
Simply place a bit of code into your auction, notifying your bidders that their parcel will come via Worldwide Parcel Services, and we'll provide you with a 5% discount for your eBay deliveries as a thank you.