Back to news... 13 May 2014 Preparing Your Parcel For Delivery
If you ship any kind of goods in parcels then you will know that the problems and costs incurred by a parcel delivery going missing in transit can be considerable, and a lost parcel can even lose you a long standing customer if they were relying on receiving the goods.
If your customer needs goods from you the next day to satisfy a critical order and they get lost in transit and you have no more stock to send, then you can imagine the kind of reception your customer will give you.
So what can you do to help us with delivering your parcel appropriately?
Well firstly let us think about the basics of sending a parcel, always make sure that you put the senders address clearly on the box as well as the addressee.
Ideally write it on the parcel with an indelible marker pen that cannot rub off, in capital letters for clarity. Also make sure the address you are sending it to is the right one, it is good practice to ring the customer to double check they have not just moved premises etc.
If you are going to use stickers for doing this rather than writing on the box, then make sure they do not easily peel off, or that the writing on the sticker does not easily smudge. Ideally when using stickers use a laser printer for the labels.
In the case of either a written address or a label it is a good idea to put clear tape over them, as this will all but eliminate any possibility of the address being made illegible in the event the parcel gets wet in the rain.
Also make sure that you place the senders address and that of the addressee on a separate piece of paper inside the parcel, as in the event of severe damage to the outside of the parcel in transit, then the parcel courier should be able to identify both the sender and intended receiver of the parcel.
There is good reason to follow the above procedure as the Royal Mail auctions off just under £1 Million of valuable goods each year that cannot be delivered due to address problems, whereby goods cannot be delivered due to an incorrect address, nor returned to the sender as the sender is unknown. So let this be a warning to you and make sure that your valuable parcel reaches your customer.