Back to news... 19 June 2014 Send a Parcel to Poland with Worldwide Parcel Services
Popular destination Poland borders Germany in central Europe and is a cultural centre of the world. The country can trace its roots back over 1,000 years with a widespread history during successful and turbulent times. The country has without doubt benefited more from the fall of an iron curtain and taken on liberal ways, with a striving economy which is set to become one of the largest in Europe. This has led to vast influx of capable Poles to freely enter counties across the European stretch, helping the growth of business in the UK and others. With this in mind, Worldwide Parcel Services can offer some of the best shipping deals to Poland, no matter what type of goods (within restrictions) you need to send. Customers can choose to send a parcel to Poland, no matter what town or city; send to Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan or any location within the country.