Back to news... 28 February 2025 Do you do imports into the UK?
We offer an import service for your parcels from almost any abroad destination, back into the UK. You can read more about that service on our parcel import page.
As with all of our deliveries, parcels can be up to 500kg for European road shipments and 300kg for air services and must follow our usual customs rules and please check our prohibited and restricted items before booking. Read more on our import advice page.
Booking a parcel import is as straightforward and easy as placing any other order on our website and prices to import to the UK, start from just £43.68.
Simply change the 'Collection Country' in our blue Quick Quote menu to the country where your parcel will be collected. We'll then automatically change the 'Destination Country' to the United Kingdom. This way you're able to book an import using the exact same form you currrently use for a parcel export.
Then simply enter the size and weight of your parcel, and a quote for delivery will be displayed as soon as you click the green 'Quote and Book' button.